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Professional support for the survivors of the music festivals on October 7th

SafeHeart is a mental health organization that brings together a professional network of clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, clinical social workers, psychotherapists and qualified clinical instructors, all of whom have experience working with severe traumatic experiences and in the field of psychedelic harm reduction and integration.

We can only imagine how difficult it must have been to go through such a horrible experience at a festival. We get it - we know that some of you were using substances, and you may have experienced the attacks in an even more extreme way. We are here to support everyone who were at the music festivals in Southern Israel.


We invite anyone who was at the music festivals in Southern Israel on that fateful day to share, talk, and receive support from therapists who specialize in working with extreme 

traumatic experiences, understand what a music festival entails, and have experience with supporting patients who have consumed mind-altering substances. You are obviously more than welcome to contact us even if you did not take any drugs.


Here you’ll find a community of experienced therapists who are here to help - come as you are.

The SafeHeart tribe is here for you. 

Contact us and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!


Therapists offering long-term care


Survivors receiving long-term therapy


Hours of therapy provided to  survivors in 2024


Retreats with partners across the country


Members in our
parent community

Image by Helena Lopes

Support for the survivors of the music festivals in Southern Israel

“All I wanted was a short break from everything that’s going on in my mind.. Not only did I get that break, but I was also able to sleep properly for the first time in over a month and a half. Highly recommended!”

Ron, Festival Survivor

Help us help them

100% of donations are used to support long-term mental support for the survivors of the festivals.

Expand our research

We know that this is an uncertain time and that you are still processing what happened.


We want to learn about and improve the support offered to people under the influence of mind-altering substances and in treating trauma in general. This type of research can significantly help us understand the relationship between trauma and the use of psychedelic substances and help develop tailored treatment for those who have undergone complex psychedelic experiences and trauma.


Here we need your help. 

We would like to hear your story and learn about the experience you had.


The research is led by Prof. Roy Salomon from the University of Haifa, one of the founders of SafeHeart.

Will you help us help others?

SafeHeart’s holistic offering includes
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SafeHeart offers group work as well

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